I'm thinking of copying this ribbon idea in my new bathroom, over the shower. Wouldn't it be so luxe to take a warm bath with tea lights and a ceiling of ribbons? But the functional part of me wonders if the moisture will get to the fabric. And my so-not-luxe personality knows that although the ten baths I take a year would look so amazing if were I to do this crazy thing, I'd have to look at those damn ribbons every single day. Multiple times a day. That's a lot of looking at ribbons that serve no real purpose.
There is a side of me that demands that functionality be present in design. This side of me is very noisy. It stops me in my tracks whenever I find myself leaning towards something just because it looks awesome--and I usually don't mind this noisy side of myself because it tends to be right. In a 725-sq.-ft. living space, functionality is vital.
But there's another side of me, one much quieter and much more persistent. When it decides that it wants something based purely on looks, it doesn't let up. It pokes and prods until my functional side groans and gives in. This is where my head is right now.
What if I were to mount this hardware from the ceiling and hang an extra-long shower curtain from it?
The ribbon madness would be almost completely covered and out of sight, the showering experience will feel more private, and the floor-to-ceiling curtain might even make the ceiling look taller.
In my small bathroom, I get the feeling that this idea could either work or totally bomb. But I think this might happen. Yes, I think it just might.
Damn it.