Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bathroom Madness

Blair's post from a couple of days ago has been stuck in my head. This image is positively haunting me:

I'm thinking of copying this ribbon idea in my new bathroom, over the shower. Wouldn't it be so luxe to take a warm bath with tea lights and a ceiling of ribbons? But the functional part of me wonders if the moisture will get to the fabric. And my so-not-luxe personality knows that although the ten baths I take a year would look so amazing if were I to do this crazy thing, I'd have to look at those damn ribbons every single day. Multiple times a day. That's a lot of looking at ribbons that serve no real purpose.

There is a side of me that demands that functionality be present in design. This side of me is very noisy. It stops me in my tracks whenever I find myself leaning towards something just because it looks awesome--and I usually don't mind this noisy side of myself because it tends to be right. In a 725-sq.-ft. living space, functionality is vital.

But there's another side of me, one much quieter and much more persistent. When it decides that it wants something based purely on looks, it doesn't let up. It pokes and prods until my functional side groans and gives in. This is where my head is right now.

What if I were to mount this hardware from the ceiling and hang an extra-long shower curtain from it?

The ribbon madness would be almost completely covered and out of sight, the showering experience will feel more private, and the floor-to-ceiling curtain might even make the ceiling look taller.

In my small bathroom, I get the feeling that this idea could either work or totally bomb. But I think this might happen. Yes, I think it just might.

Damn it.

Today I'm Wearing

 Coat: Target (no longer online, but is in stores clearanced at $30)
Jeans: AF, $50 (sale! usually $98! go get 'em!)
Flats: Aldo, $30 (sale! usually $55! go get 'em!)
Watch: Tag Heuer 
Sweater: Old Navy, $13 (sale! usually $25! go get it!)
Bracelet: Amazon, $16
Total, excluding watch: $139

It's a snowy, gray work day. Snowy days call for warmth; gray days call for comfort; work days call for non-pajamas. The sweater I'm wearing is a cashmere v-neck version of the one pictured that I bought from Banana Republic a few years ago, and my bracelet is dated as well but is similar to the one above. (Bracelet and watch are worn on the same arm, because I believe that cutting off limbs should be kept to a minimum, even if you are as lanky as I am.)

This is pretty indicative of the kind of person I am, guys. Cashmere sweater, Tag watch...destroyed jeans inevitably follow. :P

New Year's Resolution... short, is this:

Sounds reasonable, yes? :P

To be fair, my 2009 shit is much more in order than my 2008 shit ever was. Still, there's always room for improvement, and this year I'd like to take a few more steps to becoming a real live adult. You know, the kind that has sound finances and stationary for every occasion and an incredibly hospitable home.

Okay, so it might not happen quite like that, but really, that's okay. As the name of this blog suggests, I have  an ever-present desire for grace, simplicity, poise, elegance, name it. And while that is not a bad thing by any means, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a goof at heart. There will never be complete grace in my life. There will always be a bit of chaos, and a touch of humor, and a ribbit-ing frog soap dispenser at my kitchen sink. And frankly, I wouldn't want it any other way.

So 2010 will be about making small progress steps toward becoming that "together" adult while allowing a bit of innate immaturity and spunk to shine on through. It will also be about a few other specific things: 

Moving to a new apartment in January
Completing my AA with Emphasis degree in Anthropology
Establishing a system for financial tracking/planning (yes, this is a big process for me!)
Starting and maintaining a blog 
...change name of blog? (though this one really is appropriate)

Blog's started! Here we go!