I've established monthly automatic donations for DonorsChoose, an online charity which allows teachers to post monetary requests for specific projects and donors to choose to which project they would like to contribute.
About a year ago, my financial situation changed and I was finally in a place where I could afford to start giving to a cause. Education is very important to me; I feel especially strong about keeping music and writing in public schools. After doing some research, DonorsChoose quickly became a favorite charity of mine because I could choose exactly where my money was going, versus donating to a fund and not having a say in how it would be spent. And as icing on the cake, I get a thank you letter and sometimes even pictures from the teacher and class that I helped once their project is complete. It's so cool to get that extra bit of recognition! (I'm not vain, promise...but come on, isn't it nice to get a small pat on the back when you do something good?)
If you are so inclined, you can visit my giving page and view projects that I'm interested in, or you can start at DonorsChoose and handpick the school subjects that you care most about. DonorsChoose makes it super easy to donate any amount you'd like to give, and you can be as personal or impersonal about your donation as you'd like.
Do you have a favorite charity or cause?
(My 101 in 1001 List)
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